Thursday, May 31, 2012

What to improve -- Maxwell's third thought.

The 3rd “thought on life” that John Maxwell shared with us at Catalyst Dallas:

In abilities, work on your strengths,
In matters of choice, work on your weaknesses.

Although this is becoming a more popular thought in self-improvement, this is counter-intuitive for most of us.  Going through school I was always taught to get better at the things at which I am not good.  Maxwell makes a pretty compelling argument of why that is not necessarily the best option.

In abilities, work on your strengths.
In things that it takes a natural ability to ever be a master, you should work on your strengths.  If you rate yourself a 2 (out of 10) in something, then (unless you are the exception) you will probably never be an 8, 9, or 10.  However, if you are naturally a 5 or 6 at something, then over time, with practice and learning, you can become a 9 or 10. “God will never hold you accountable for a gift you don’t have.”

And of course if I know I am weak in a certain area, I am going to try to add someone to my team that is stronger in that area, to make up for my weaknesses. 

Also, if it is something I am passionate about, my level of ability will not stop me from working on it for my own enjoyment. I am still determined that one day I will play the guitar even though I can’t change chords and strum at the same time. I also enjoy playing recreational racquetball and volleyball, I will probably never be better than a “B” player, but I enjoy these things and they are for my personal fulfillment.

In matters of choice, work on your weaknesses.
In things at which you can choose to be better, work on your weakness.  Maxwell’s examples were Attitude and Discipline.  In both of these areas, with determination and focus you can go from a 1 to a 10.  IF I have a bad attitude or a lack of self-discipline, then over time with learning and practice I can become a 10.  We can choose to put different behaviors into our lives that will help us develop these things and go from bad to Great.

As someone who has wrestled with self-discipline most of my life, I was greatly encouraged by this for one reason: IT IS TRUE.  With help and some coaching I am turning my lack of discipline around.  I have always had just enough discipline to get by, but never enough to excel. As an example I look at my low High School GPA, 2.35 (inflated by several credits of band and other electives that were always A’s).  It was just enough to scrape by and graduate.  With work and help I have become much better and am still improving daily. 

What are your thoughts/reactions to this?  Do you know of an exception? In matters of abilities do you spend more time on your strengths or your weaknesses? Do you have a way of working on your weakness in the matters of choice category?  How many of you have someone who intentionally helps improve your life?  

Monday, May 28, 2012

How do I value others? Maxwell thought #2

I am Sharing my notes from the CatalystDallas conference

The second “thought on life” that Maxwell shared with us was:

Intentionally add value to others every day.

a.     The normal in our world is “Who will add value to me?”
b.    To add value to people you must value people.
c.     We either value or devalue people, there is no middle.
d.    Try to see Jesus as a value-er of people.
e.     Every morning ask yourself specifically.
                                                    i.     Who can I add value to today?
                                                  ii.     How can I do that?
f.      Every night ask yourself.
                                                    i.     Who did I add value to today?
                                                  ii.     How did I do it?

There are two kinds of people—
Those that lift others up, and those that lean down on others.

I am glad that he bases this on Christ.  And it was probably in this context that he stated that if we help others, others will help us.  It is all about adding value to others, and when we do this people will want to help us.  Others helping us is a byproduct of something we all should do anyway, but it is not the reason we do it. 

I like most of what Maxwell says.  HE reminds us that for most people this doesn't just happen, but you must be intentional and MAKE it happen.  Making yourself ask these two questions every morning and evening, causes you to start thinking intentionally

How do you add value to people? Do you do it intentionally? or it just in your nature? Are you naturally someone who lifts others up or leans down on others? If I am naturally a leaner, how do I become a lifter?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Maxwell's Thoughts for Life: Thought 1

John Maxwell’s talk was incredibly practical. I will continue my notes here:

He then began talking, spewing out great information in what he called just “Thoughts for Life.”  (There were five of them I will share them one post at a time.  It’s just too much for one post.)

Thought 1: You need to define a personal definition of success.

Maxwell encouraged us to develop a personal definition of success, rather than always chasing the ever-changing world’s definition.  We must answer the question, “What is success for me?”  

He answered them for himself.  And says that he is successful if he:

1.      Knows his purpose in life.
a.      What am I passionate about?
b.      What are my gifts, abilities, and strengths?
c.      What do I do well?

2.      Is growing to his max potential personally.

3.      Sowing seeds that benefit others.

I find the second one a little frustrating.  It’s just not measurable.  So maybe it would be better stated (and maybe he meant it this way) growing towards his max potential.

What do you think?

Do you have a “stated” definition of success?  Do you think we should?  Would you think defining our own success can help us keep from being caught up in the world's definitions? Can we have a stated definition and let the definition transform some over time?  What do you think of when you think success? What are your personal definitions of success?  

Monday, May 21, 2012

What Should I ask when I get the chance. Maxwell Pt 1.

I will begin blogging through my CatalystDallas experience.  I want to start with John Maxwell’s talk.  It will be more than one post. 

               I have been for a long time, a fan of John Maxwell and his writing.  I had never had the opportunity to hear him speak until this conference.  For that I am sorry.  I read his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership shortly after it was released in 1998 as a 21 year old.  It has probably been as formational in my development as any other single book. 

               Maxwell started by acknowledging that he had a short time to speak and would like to convey as much useful information to us as he could.   And then he opened a fire hydrant and let his wisdom flow.  It was too much to try to drink from, so I took notes knowing I would have to unpack it later. 

               He began with seven questions he would ask a leader if he were given the opportunity to sit down with them for a few minutes. 

1.      What is the greatest lesson you ever learned?
2.      What are you learning now?
a.    Maxwell stated that this question would bring out what they are passionate about.
3.      How has failure shaped your life?
a.    “Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn”
b.    Maxwell is obviously a man who has learned to see failure as opportunities for growth. 
c.    I am reminded that we should follow all our failures with the question, “What did I learn from that experience?”
4.      Who do you know that I should know?
a.    I am reminded that if relationships will help me be able to tell more people the message of Christ, then I need to foster relationships better than I do.  
5.      What have you read that I should read?
6.      What have you done that I should do?
7.      How can I add value to your life?
a.    “If you help others get what they want, they will want to help you get what you want.”

What do you think? Are there any of these questions you would not ask? Are there questions you would add to this list?  Do any of these questions rub you the wrong way? What do you think of # 4 & #7?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

False Start

OK so I am calling a false start on myself.  On Wednesday I wrote a post saying that I would begin blogging again on Thursday.  As is obvious to you by now I did not begin blogging on Thursday.  I instead decided to wait and try to begin on Monday.  So my goal for now will be to blog twice a week. probably Monday and Thursday mornings.  This will give us time to discuss each of the posts.  I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you and I ask you to invite your friends and family to come along with us.  Once again, I apologize for not getting started when I said I would.  I am thoroughly looking forward to Monday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A New Begining

It is hard to believe it has been 18 months since I agreed to come partner with the Kingsville Church of Christ.  It has also been that long since I last blogged.  I will begin blogging again, now.  I have no illusions of a great mass of people that will be regularly reading this.  For the few who do I just want to share with you my journey.  I pray that you would feel free offer comments and suggestions as I live and write.  I hope this becomes a community of people who can openly and honestly ask questions and discuss issues that arise in our lives.

 I went to Catalyst Dallas this weekend and was very impressed by the entire few days.  It was extremely well done and I must thank @bradlomenick and his team for all the work that they are doing.  Over the next several days/weeks, I will be blogging about my experience at catalyst, the talks I heard, and the lessons I learned.  Hopefully you will work with me as I process all that has happened over the last week.

And then come along with me on a journey as we process together this wild ride called following Christ.